Hello, Future Friend
I'm a digital marketing specialist, a UTD alum (whoosh), and enjoyer of Pokémon and Star Wars. With my skills, I'm here to help companies use nostalgia and narrative experiences, leveraging them to show people products and services that can help them enjoy life more.
Why I Do What I Do

A frequent issue I've noticed is people feeling lonely. Studies show this is a widespread issue across the globe, affecting people of regardless of race, gender, and age. When I saw it among my own peers, I couldn't stand by and watch- I had to do something.
I decided to study marketing and coordinate events to bring people together, wanting to know how to reach people, but also put the knowledge to use. I address obstacles to inclusion in marketing not just as they appear, but also work to get to the root; addressing the heart of an issue is the ideal practice, especially when helping in making a service or product.
When I help advertise products or services, I aim to make people not just included, but know and feel that inclusion.